Men of the church
He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
Our service projects have included collecting donated goods, helping families move, sorting donated goods for Frontline Service, sorting food at the Cleveland Foodbank, feeding the homeless, participating in the Walk for Hunger and distributing produce to families in need at New Covenant Church. Many of our service projects have been joint efforts with the men of New Covenant Church. Men’s Ministry has been responsible for several Bible studies in past years. A small group of our men meet monthly with a small group of men from New Covenant for breakfast or lunch. Out of those shared meals have come a number of overnight retreats here in the Cleveland area, as well as joint service projects and shared worship experiences at our respective churches. The Men of First Church and the Men of New Covenant Church also traveled to Ferris State University in Michigan to visit the Jim Crow Museum and are currently planning a summer trip to Washington, D. C. to include a visit the National Museum of African American Culture.
Men’s Ministry has no formal structure nor any regular meetings. It’s just a small group of Christian men periodically getting together and continuing our relationship with the men of New Covenant. Please watch the weekly and monthly revelations for upcoming events.
Men’s Ministry has no formal structure nor any regular meetings. It’s just a small group of Christian men periodically getting together and continuing our relationship with the men of New Covenant. Please watch the weekly and monthly revelations for upcoming events.