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But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory

Hebrews 3:6

While many may think of Stewardship as the financial giving piece of this Ministry, Stewardship embraces all of the gifts that God has so generously handed down to us.  It factors in everything that God has bestowed upon us:
Our Time
Our Talents
Our Treasures
within the walls of our home, our church, the community of Strongsville and beyond.

This year our Stewardship campaign focused on “This is home.”
Please take a minute to think about what those words mean to you. Over the past fifteen months our church family, like any other family, has experienced many changes. We are excited and looking forward to what the future holds! Even in the midst of these changes, the foundation of our home in Christ remains strong. This is home.

In our home, we have many wonderful family members who contribute their own unique talents. In our home, we believe in looking beyond our doors and offering assistance to not only our church family but any person in need. In our home, we understand how important it is to invest in our future in order to continue to serve those in need while spreading God’s love and gospel. This is home.



Time and Talent Volunteer Survey