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OUr Beliefs

We believe God has called us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. After a prayerful time of spiritual discernment, we believe God is calling us to engage in the following ministries:

While maintaining our Lutheran identity and core, we will become a church that welcomes, supports, and encourages a more diverse Christian tradition.

We will take personal responsibility for our individual spiritual lives, and for the spiritual well-being of our congregation, as we emulate Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit.

We will build on the quality and choices of our worship and music styles.

We will increase the amount, variety, timing, and venues of Christian Education for both children and adults.

We will provide vibrant youth ministries.

We will create pathways for open and clear communication; identify and resolve conflict openly and honestly.

We will increase our personal efforts to reach out to the unchurched, and those in need beyond our congregation.

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